Spasticity is a muscular stiffening or tightening disorder that interferes with normal fluid movement. Muscles remain tight and resist stretching, causing movement, speech, and gait issues.
The most common cause of spasticity is damage or disruption to the part of the brain and spinal cord that controls muscle and stretch reflexes. An imbalance in the inhibitory and excitatory impulses delivered to the muscles may cause them to lock in place, resulting in these disturbances.
Spasticity, which affects muscles and joints, can be dangerous for children who are growing. It can occur after a brain injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, or multiple sclerosis. Spasticity is, in fact, one of the most common stroke consequences. It usually appears months, if not a year, after a stroke. Spasticity is a difficult and unpleasant issue for stroke survivors, but there are treatments and strategies available to help them manage it.
Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available, and most patients receive multiple treatments at the same time. Spasticity treatment requires a combination of exercise and physical therapy to effectively relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Because it has a significant impact on daily activities, treating it is an important component of neurological rehabilitation. As a result, a supporting medical device, such as the Portable Rehabilitation Robotic Gloves: SIFREHAB-1.0, which is highly recommended by our technical medical team, can help you recover faster.
SIFREHAB-1.0 provides patients with real-world, task-specific applications that aid in their rehabilitation and prepare them for the transition back to normal life.
Because physical and occupational therapies effectively relieve symptoms and improve patients’ quality of life.
Because physical and occupational therapies effectively relieve symptoms and improve the quality of daily life of patients with spasticity, Rehabilitation Robotic Gloves SIFREHAB-1.0 would aid in stretching and strengthening exercises to improve strength and coordination, resulting in improved performance of daily activities.
Patients will be assisted in regaining their hand functions through exercise, as well as their capacity to care for themselves in everyday life, with Activities of daily living (ADL) training mode, which will focus on improving mobility through targeted exercises, and Mirror therapy training mode, which will activate mirror neurons when both hands move at the same time to recreate normal hand nerve connections to the damaged hand.
To summarize, in people with Spasticity, an intensive activity-based rehabilitation program is sufficient to improve long-term neuromuscular activity. The neuromuscular mechanism of action and the minimal rehabilitation program required with the Rehabilitation Robotic Gloves assistive device SIFREHAB-1.0 to aid in ADL activities and, more importantly, Spasticity Treatment.
References: Overcoming Muscle Spasticity, Current Practices of Physical and Occupational Therapists Regarding Spasticity Assessment and Treatment, Neurosurgical Conditions andTreatments: Spasticity,